印度與俄羅斯簽訂水產品出口新協定印度海洋水產品出口發展局(MPEDA)表示,印度出口審查委員會(EIC)與俄羅斯聯邦動植物防檢局(FSVPS)近日於莫斯科共同簽訂印度水產品出口之新行政協定,以確保印度運送魚類及水產品高標售屋網準之安全及品管。新協定除了明確規範印度逾45家水產品加工廠出口條件,亦就野生及養殖來源加工水產品之進出口期間檢疫與查驗部分的細節建立合作模式;並強調印度EIC對印度水產品加工單位執行審查及管控系統,與增加對輸銷俄澎湖民宿羅斯的水產品提出建議與通關認可之職權與責任。代表兩國的小組已就印度未來運送水產品模式與安全議題建立持續對話及雙邊工作小組達成共識。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News,No. 15/2009)NEW ARRANGEMENT FOR SEAFOOD 室內裝潢EXPORTSIndia and the Russian Federation have reached a new administrative arrangement on shipping and export of fish andseafood products from India. The aim is to ensure high level of food safety and 當鋪quality control for shipment of seafoodproducts from India, according to the Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA). The new protocolwas signed recently in Moscow between the Export Inspection 汽車貸款Council of India (EIC) and Federal Service of Veterinaryand Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Russian Federation (FSVPS). The new administrative arrangement will define theterms of export for more than 45 借錢Indian fish processing establishments.The arrangement also contains details on the modalities of co-operation in the fields of quarantine and inspections,during the export and import of products processed 烤肉from wild catch and aquaculture.The new document also underlined the increased authority and responsibility of the EIC of India in administering theinspection and control system of India’s fish processing 燒烤units and their recommendation and approvals for export toRussia. The teams representing the two countries, while recognizing the need for continued constructive dialogue onfuture seafood and fish product 住商房屋shipments from India, also reached an agreement on creating a bilateral working groupon sea products safety.

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